
What is Planta Europa?

Planta Europa is a network of Non Government and Government organisations working to achieve the mission of Planta Europa.
What is the mission of Planta Europa?

The Planta Europa mission is to conserve the wild plants, both higher and lower, of Europe and their habitats.

Who can join Planta Europa?

Any organisation for which the mission is a major objective is eligible to join the Network. The membership is open to organisations working in Europe. These may be governmental or non-governmental, and may include conservation NGOs, organisations.



Government departments may join. Organisations will be approved for membership by the Planta Europa Steering Committee. Under exceptional circumstances individuals may join the Network as Affiliates, by invitation of the Steering Committee.

Planta Europa members will be known as Partners

A Partner of Planta Europa is a government or non-government organisation that has pledged to work to achieve the mission of Planta Europa and to implement this mission within its own territory. Partners also agree to pay a small subscription fee.


How is Planta Europa constituted?

Planta Europa is a non-incorporated consortium of institutions working to achieve the mission of Planta Europa. It forms the European Programme of Plantlife International – Wild-Plant Conservation Ltd (PIWC). Plantlife International (PIWC) is a Non Government organisational legal entity implementing the programme of Planta Europa and co-ordinating its activities.

The Planta Europa Steering Committee

The Steering Committee is responsible for running the Network. The Steering Committee is elected by the Planta Europa Network at the Conference, but may co-opt additional members, linked to project implementation. The Conference lays down the parameters within which the Steering Committee operates, and will pass resolutions concerned with the work and governance of the network. The Steering Committee operates within the Regulations, in which the Operating Principles and Guidelines are enshrined in the Regulations.

The Planta Europa Conference

Planta Europa Conferences take place not more than once every three years.

The Planta Europa Secretariat

Plantlife International – Wild-Plant Conservation Ltd (PIWC) has established a Secretariat to assist in taking forward the aims and objectives of the Planta Europa Network. The Secretariat is based at Plantlife -the Wild-Plant Conservation Charity in London, UK. Click here for contact details.

What is a Planta Europa project?

Homeopatic use of plants like Thymus, Hedera, Callendulla, Digitalis is know for a long time. Identifications of active substances goes aliong with plant identification.